2008 Scholarship recipients

    Maryland - Mr. Dan Godio

            Dan Godio is planning on attending East Carolina University to study sports medicine.             Dan is also planning to make the mens basketball team as a walk-on. Having just             completed his senior year as captain of the 16-6 SPHS basketball team and also having             completely trashed me in a game of one on one, I wouldn't bet against him. Go for it             Dan. We will be rooting for you and looking forward to your next update!

    Update October 2009

            Hey Mr. Herzberg, Just wanted to take the time to get up with you and the family to see             how you all are doing. It has been a while since we have last spoken and I hope that             you and the family are doing well. Things are going very well for me this year at ECU. I             made the basketball scout team which basically means I will be on the practice squad,             but there is the potential to be put on the roster with enough hard work and dedication.             Academically I have been doing extremely well. I have been excelling in classes such             as anatomy and physiology, physics, and kinesiology. This upcoming semester I             actually will be admitted into the college of health and human performance, and             hopefully begin my path towards physical therapy. I have also been on a very rigorous             weight training program and running plan, so hopefully one day you and I could take             part in a race (even though you would probably beat me still!). North Carolina life is             great, I really am proud of myself for making the choice to come to East Carolina             University. I am confident that they have all the tools to equip me for the future. I             wanted to thank you again for the scholarship contribution, both my family and I really             appreciate it. I also wanted to take the time and again express my deepest sympathies             for your loss. Eric was a tremendous young man, and I will be saying a prayer for him             today. Eric had a positive influence on everyone he came in contact with and today,             October 21st is a day where thousands of people will remember him and the heroic             actions he took while defending this great nation. I really look forward to hearing from             you soon Mr. Herzberg. Again, I hope all is well and God bless.

            Sincerely, Dan Godio
            ECU '12

            Dan, thank you for your kind words about Eric. We miss him terribly and think about             him every day. We are grateful for young men and women like yourself who             understand the price that he paid and are striving to reach your full potential. We are             very proud of you and maybe when you have some time, we can make that run             together. Many blessings to you and your family!

            Eric and Wendi

    Update February 2009

            Hey Mr. Herzberg - everything down here is going great. Sorry for the delayed             response, I hardly ever check my yahoo email account. I usually just use my ECU             email (dpg0315@ecu.edu). Basketball is going great as well. We just finished up a             tournament last weekend at the University of Virginia in which we went 2-1, beatin UVA             and Wake Forest. We also have two upcoming tournaments. One this Saturday at             William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA and one at James Madison on the 21st. School is             going good, classes arent too hard as of yet. The weather is starting to get very warm             down here and I can't wait for it to stay that way. Nice work in the marathon. I'm sure             you will do great again next year. I will be home in early March for spring break which             will be a nice relief. How is the family doing? I hope all is well and look forward to             hearing from you.

            PS. I know the new scholarship winner will be coming up soon, so I'll be keeping my             eye out for the next recipient.

            Take care,
            Dan Godio   ECU '12

    Update September 2008

            Wow, college life is different! I just moved in on the 15th down here at ECU. I love it             down here so far. The carolina weather is better than ever. Classes started last week             and its already working me pretty hard. My athletic training/sports medicine major             requires my classes to be all early, so I'm up and running at 7am everyday. I was just             assigned to help out with the football team as an observing athletic trainer, meaning I             get to attend practices and games and watch the action first hand. Basketball is still             very much in my heart as well. I've been going to the rec center everyday, working             out, running, scrimmaging, and doing everything I can to prepare myself. Still unclear             about walk on status yet, but I have been in contact with the club coach who has             shown a bit of interest in me. The first of school had me a bit home sick, as I'm sure it             has for many kids, but I'm adjusting and I'm having a blast. I've met a ton of nice             people, my teachers are great, and the atmosphere is terrific. I hope this email finds             you and your family doing well. Hope you had a great summer too. (Hope you've been             working on your jump shot too..just kidding) Hope all is well and look forward to             talking with you soon. Take care.

            Picture of Dan Godio accepting award
            Picture of Dan Godio and his parents Steve and Patty

Maryland Scholarship Information
Florida Scholarship Information
Current Scholarship Winners